
Our logo encapsulates the AIN brand in the form of a logomark and logotype. We use it to differentiate ourselves from competitors and instill brand trust in our customers. We have created a flexibile system to allow for easy application of our logo across variety of media.


The logomark can be used independently to represent the AIN brand, however in situations where it more clarity is needed the logomark should be combined with the logotype to form the full AIN logo lockup. The logotype can be used in three themes; Brand Blue, Dark, or Light.


The logotype consits of the company name, left aligned. Where the logomark can be used independent of the logotype, the logotype must always be used in combination with the logomark, and never alone.


The lockup is composed of the logomark and a logotype and forms the full Angel Investment Network logo. The logo lockup can be used in three themes; Brand Blue, Dark, or Light.


Calculate clearance by using half the size of the logomark to ensure there is enough white space surrounding the logo.

Minimum size

The logo should always be legible. Never use the lockup at sizes smaller than 100px wide and 32px tall.


Always align the logo either justified left or right of its container, be it on a printed document or an asset online. Never position the logo centerally.



Do not be tempted to change the colour of the logo, position it on background other than the brand colours, add effects or use it with insufficiant contrast with the background.

Do not do this!
Do not rotate the logo.
Do not do this!
Do not change the logo colour to colours that aren’t in the brand palette.
Do not do this!
Do not add effects to the logo such as drop shadows.
Do not do this!
Do not use the logo on backgrounds with insufficiant contrast to the logo.
Do not do this!
Do not distort or warp the logo.
Do not do this!
Do not use the logotype without the logomark.
Do not do this!
Do not remove the fill and create an outline of the logo.
Do not do this!
Do not use the colour logo on backgrounds other than the brand colours.


One exception to the minumum size rule is when using the logomark as a website favicon. In this case the brand colour version should be used.

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